Welcome To
The 16 th Annual Conference
Of Alexandria Cancer Patient Care
Dear professors and colleagues,
On behalf of Alexandria Cancer Patient Care Society (ALEX-CPC), it is my pleasure to invite you all to our coming 16th annual conference
entitled “NGOs & Bridging Gaps for Better Cancer Care” that will be held on June 15-16, 2023, at Hilton King’ Ranch Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.
This annual event will keep the Egyptian oncology Society acquainted with the novel diagnostics and treatments for patients with cancer. Its main focus is to analyze and understand the role of cost-effectiveness analysis in patient-centered cancer care in the era of precision medicine. It aims at bridging the gaps for better care for cancer patients through national cooperation and linking Egyptian Health Initiatives with Cancer Care Societies. The conference will be presented in collaboration with Alexandria University. We hope the conference will give a rewarding scientific experience and look forward to a fruitful interactive event with your valuable presence.
Conference President
Dr. Rasha Elsaka

Meet Our Conference Board Members

Speakers Service Center Instructions
Learn more about the tips and guidelines regarding the technical side of the conference. By clicking here, you will find useful bits of knowledge to help you excel through your presentation.